Monday, July 24, 2006

Coincidence, author says, is a sign of God: South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Coincidence, author says, is a sign of God: South Florida Sun-Sentinel

Curious stuff. I've actually (and this sounds strange, I know) got a fairly decent proof as to the reason for stuff like this happening. It's mostly the basis of the whole "Quantum Philosophy" thing. Sorry to write a teaser, but...yea, I figured it out.
"In 1993, after nearly two decades with the network, Rushnell was trying out different topics as a motivational speaker. Invited to a small church in Upstate New York, he chose 'Coincidence: Is it Evidence of a Grand Plan?' The audience loved it."
UPDATE: You can read this Fark thread for a general preview of the argument (and associated farkness)

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