Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Chris Matthews RANTS HUGE

Crooks and Liars - Matthews on Imus: Pencil Neck Foreign Policy

I would highly recommend downloading this and listening to it. Basically Chris Matthews is finally acknowleding how the Neocons steamrolled Bush and now we're acting like freaking idiots. Essentially, he's reaching the same conclusion I did a couple years ago...the Neocons are fricking idiots and their ideology is so warped as to be considered evil. And Bush bought it, hook, line and sinker.

"Chris Matthews, MSNBC: 'It's all ideology with this crowd. All they care about is ideology. The President bought it, hook, line and sinker, he had- but you know, it was just put into his head, sometime after 9-11, and his philosophy is what he has given it. He didn�t have to have any philosophy when he went in, and they handed it to him. These guys- the guys-you know, the guys that you used to make fun of at school, pencil necks, the intellectuals, the guys you never trusted. All of the sudden he trusts the intellectuals, the guys you knew at school, yeah, they're a bunch of pencil necks and now he buys completely, their ideology, because he didn't have one of his own coming in. That was his problem. I don't know what Bush stood for, except I'm a cool guy and Gore isn't, and that was our problem. We elected the guy because he was a little cooler than the other guy, and, I hope the next election, it isn't a problem of who goes to bed with their wife at 9:30 at night, or who knows how to tell a joke on a stage. But it's who had the sense of strength that comes from having read books, most of their life, tried to understand history. Every mistake we're making in the Middle East right now, was made years and years ago by the British, by the French, but the mistakes they made in Vietnam were made by the French before. In Algeria the French made all the mistakes we're making now."
He goes on for a while, kinda loses it. Hey, Chris...where was this 2 years ago??!!!?!

1 comment:

Robot Pirate Ninja said...

Thanks, felderandsons. Nice little anecdote.

The sad part is, it has taken until the last six months to have ironclad evidence of Bush's lies. Before, it was just circumstantial analysis that led one to believe he was being dishonest (perhaps even with himself). Now, it's a frickin' slam dunk.