Thursday, February 19, 2004

The Salt Lake Tribune -- Mullen: Utah's petty little stand can't stop gay-marriage avalanche

The Salt Lake Tribune -- Mullen: Utah's petty little stand can't stop gay-marriage avalanche: "On Wednesday, the Utah Legislature passed a bill re-enforcing the ban on same-sex marriage, and any day it will pass a resolution asking voters to amend the state constitution by defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman only.

A few lawmakers and lobbyists have done a beautiful job at bundling their bigotry in a blanket of religious piety and blathering on about what Jefferson and Madison were thinking 200-plus years ago. This resolution will sail right through. You won't have time to blink.

In the end, it won't matter. Utah can take its petty little stand. It may as well put up a picket fence to stop an avalanche."

Stirring the pot in SLC, I see.

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