Friday, February 18, 2005

International news from swissinfo, the Swiss news platform

International news from swissinfo, the Swiss news platform: "The debate over whether or not there is a global warming signal is now over, at least for rational people,' he said.

The report was published one day after the United Nations Kyoto Protocol took effect, a 141-nation environmental
pact the United States government has spurned for several reasons, including stated doubts about whether global
warming is occurring and is caused by people.

Barnett urged U.S. officials to reconsider.

'Could a climate system simply do this on its own? The answer is clearly no,' Barnett said.

His team used U.S. government models of solar warming and volcanic warming, just to see if they could account for
the measurements they made. 'Not a chance,' he said.

And the effects will be felt far and wide. 'Anywhere that the major water source is fed by snow ... or glacial melt,' he
said. 'The debate is what are we going to do about it.'"

There ya go. Reason #2,134,852 Bush is a dangerous man.

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