Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Not Even a Hedgehog - The stupidity of Ronald Reagan. By Christopher Hitchens

Not Even a Hedgehog - The stupidity of Ronald Reagan. By Christopher Hitchens
"Some of us on the left had also been very glad indeed to see the end of the Russian empire and the Cold War. But nothing could make me forget what the Reagan years had actually been like. "
More on the other side of Reagan. For the record, I liked the guy, but wasn't really old enough to offer a complete and honest opinion about his role in this nation's history.

I do not, obviously if you read these pages long enough, agree with many of his policies as a politician, but that's neither here nor there. He gave many long years of service to this country, and a great many of my countrymen love the very thought of the guy, but history has yet to write about his enduring legacy.

As well it should, as such things take much longer than the lifetime of such an individual themselves to shake out.

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